Blocked tear duct

Dakriocistitis is an infection of the lacrimal sac, usually with chronic character.
Dakriocistitis is caused by a blockage in the lacrimal duct, which allows the tear out. Pain can take place in case of blockage or narrowing of the duct, eye inflammation in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses or skull bone around the lacrimal duct. Often duct narrowing is manifested in the first months of life.
In adults dacriocistitis causes purulent discharge (of infection) from the affected eye. While in infants the disease gives less purulent discharge and watering.
To determine the diagnosis of dacryocystitis an ophthalmologist should consider some examinations that control the intracerebral system and eye examination in order to eliminate other eye diseases. In some cases, a consultation between the the otorinolaryngologist and the ophthalmologist through tomography determines the condition of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in cases when if treatment is needed to be cured in parallel with the lacrimal duct.
Surgical treatment of dacriocistitis in adults – Dacryocystorhinostomy surgery. DCR can be achieved from an external (through a facial incision) approach or from an endoscopic (using a small telescope and instruments through the nose) approach, a laser and a special tool. The goal of the procedure is to bypass the obstructed nasolacrimal duct and allow for tear drainage into the nose directly from the lacrimal sac. For children the treatment consists of tear massages, in the absence of the efficiency of these massages, children also go to the surgery.
WARNING: Untreated dacriocystitis can lead to infectious complications, life-threatening and require urgent treatment at a hospital!